Youtube Guides | LEARN Anytime Anywhere

Teacher's Guide

Upload Biography Video on YouTube

  1. Go to

  2. Create and sign into your account

  3. Click the "Video" icon

  4. Click "Upload Video" button

  5. Drag and drop your video into the box

  6. Type in a Name forĀ  your video

  7. Click "Unlisted" on Visibility

  8. Wait for the video to FINISH processing

  9. Click on "View on YouTube"

  10. Check if the video is running smoothly

  11. At the bottom right of the video, click SHARE

  12. Copy the embedded URL link from the SHARE button.
    If you copy the direct URL link from the browser, our parents can't see your video!

  13. Paste the URL link

Edit Biography Video on YouTube

  1. Go to "Teacher's Dashboard" of LEARN Anytime Anywhere site

  2. Click "Manage Profile" on the side profile

  3. Go to the "Extra Info" tab

  4. Paste (Ctrl V) on the "Biography Video" box

  5. Go to the "Finish" tab and click "Submit" to save

Drag To Verify